AALJ Responds to FLRA, Anti-Union Special Interest Effort to Silence Federal Unions

The Association of Administrative Law Judges (AALJ/IFPTE Judicial Council 1) responded to an effort by the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) to promote and potentially adopt recommendations by the so-called 'right-to-work' legal fund - an organization whose goal it is to destroy collective bargaining in the US - to silence federal unions.

Judicial Council 1 noted that the current FLRA "has been carrying out an anti-union agenda no in keeping with Congressional intent," and that "the bias of the Authority is on open display, not only to organized labor, but to the American people, as well."

Read Judicial Council 1's full statement here

Coalition of Labor Unions Submit Comments Opposing FLRA's Proposed Rule to Eliminate Official Time for Union Lobbying (read state here)