Annual Government Shutdown Threat Averted - IFPTE Weighs In with Locals

In a series of emails sent this week from IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Matt Biggs updating Locals on a potential federal government shutdown, he shared that “we are just eight days away from the end of Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20), and none of the twelve annual spending measures has been approved by Congress… absent passage of a continuing resolution by the end of the month, the government will shut down.”

Included in the emails was an update that the sticking point in passing the spending bill was aid to farmers, which was ultimately resolved, leading the way to passage in the House of the package on Wednesday, with the Senate and president expected to sign off on the measure as well. Biggs concluded his update with the caveat that, “We may, however, be revisiting this again around the December 11th timeframe.”