Former FLRA Chair Ernie DuBester Declines FLRA Board Nomination

Former FLRA Chair Ernie DuBester Declines FLRA Board Nomination
IFPTE thanks Ernie DuBester for his decades of service to working families

WASHINGTON, DC – The executive officers of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) issued the following statement in response to the news that longtime Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) member and recent former FLRA Chairman Ernie DuBester has declined another nomination to serve on the FLRA board.


IFPTE President Matthew Biggs:
“Needless to say, Chairman DuBester’s decision to not accept the Biden Administration’s nomination to continue to serve on the Federal Labor Relations Authority is a disappointment to all of us here at IFPTE, and also represents a huge loss for federal workers and the nation.  However, given the misguided and politically motivated attacks he has experienced over the last two years, we are not surprised by his decision.   

Ernie DuBester has a long and distinguished career working as counsel at the National Labor Relations Board, legislative counsel at the AFL-CIO, and as an impartial decision maker as a member of the FLRA board.  His contributions to our nation, and to federal workers are immense.  That said, the real disappointment in his decision today is the United States Senate’s failure to act both in 2021, when Dubester’s nomination moved through committee and awaited a floor vote, and in 2022 when his nomination simply languished without being considered.  Given a vote, he would be on the FLRA today. 

 We at IFPTE wish Ernie Dubester and his family the best moving forward.” 


IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson:
“IFPTE’s federal sector locals are saddened to see that Ernie DuBester has taken his name out of consideration, particularly the members of NAIJ/IFPTE Judicial Council 2, the National Association of Immigration Judges, who are moving through the FLRA process to have their collective bargaining rights restored.  With DuBester’s departure, the vetting and confirmation process for another FLRA appointee could be a long one, leaving the current board with one Biden appointee, and one Trump appointee who previously ruled to illegally strip the NAIJ of their bargaining rights.  We are hopeful to get the full FLRA board restored as soon as possible and wish Ernie DuBester and his family nothing but the best in his endeavors ahead.”


IFPTE is a labor union representing upwards of 90,000 workers in the federal, public and private sectors.
