House to Vote on COVID Relief, IFPTE Requests Representatives Pass This Urgently Needed Bill  

 As part of our continuing efforts to ensure IFPTE members’ priorities are included in a comprehensive COVID relief bill, IFPTE sent a letter asking Congressional Representatives to pass the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (H.R. 1319) COVID relief package. The bill is using the expedited budget reconciliation process to move through the House and Senate with minimal obstruction. 

The House is scheduled a Friday evening vote on a package that includes $350 billion in flexible relief for state and local governments that are experiencing significant revenue shortfalls and resource strains due to the pandemic and the economic crisis. The bill also includes funding for the safe reopening of schools, Medicaid, housing support, and transit.   

The legislative package also includes a version of the bipartisan Aviation Manufacturing Jobs Protection Act, which will provide federal payroll support to maintain jobs in the aerospace supply chain. The inclusion of this bill is the culmination of IFPTE members advocacy to improve the bill’s accountability provisions and ensure that Congress understood the value of this legislation for aerospace manufacturing workers and for the U.S. economy.

The relief bill includes an 85% federal subsidy for COBRA health insurance so that laid off workers can keep themselves and their families on employer-provided plans and also extends pandemic unemployment provisions. It also includes $1,400 in direct relief to individuals, including those in mixed status families.

Further details about the American Rescue Plan Act can be found on the House Budget Committee’s website.

Read IFPTE’s letter to the House urging passage of the American Rescue Plan Act [PDF].