IFPTE, AALJ, AFGE, Social Security works call on Biden Administration to replace SSA leadership

Judicial Council 1, Association of Administrative Law Judges (JC1, AALJ) President, Judge Melissa McIntosh, AFGE Local 220 President, Ralph DeJulius, Social Security Works Executive Director, Alex Lawson, and Secretary-Treasurer/Legislative Director, Matt Biggs, participated in an act.tv panel discussion this week highlighting the need for President-Elect Biden to replace the leadership at the Social Security Administration (SSA) on day one of his administration.  Highlighting SSA Commissioner Saul’s, and Deputy Commissioner Black’s attacks on SSA workers and their unions, as well as their efforts to strip disability claimants of their due process protections in SSA disability benefit determinations, the group hammered home the point that there needs to be an immediate house cleaning of the SSA’s leadership.  Judge McIntosh noted that the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner have engaged in, “no holds barred union-busting…”, while Secretary-Treasurer Biggs said that the SSA, “hit the ground running,” in implementing President Trump’s union-busting executive orders.  See the act.tv broadcast on facebook or on twitter


(1/12/2021) – GovExec, Social Security Unions Urge Biden to Outs Agency Leadership on Day One


(1/4/2021) – AFGE, IFPTE call for change in SSA leadership