IFPTE Congratulates Senator Warnock on Reelection Victory in Georgia

Union Leadership praises Senator Warnock as “a reliable and
effective advocate for unions and our members” and former State Senator Stacy Abrams for her support for Georgian’s voting rights

WASHINGTON, DC – The International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers’ (IFPTE) President Matthew Biggs and Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson issued the following joint statement congratulating Senator Raphael Warnock (D) on his reelection to the U.S. Senate for Georgia:

"On behalf of the 90,000 members of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), we congratulate Senator Raphael Warnock on his reelection victory and look forward to continuing to work with him on our shared agenda of fighting for economic justice, defending the rights of working families and protecting those ideals that keep our great democracy moving forward.

Although he was first elected to the Senate just two years ago, Raphael Warnock has established himself as a reliable and effective advocate for unions and our members.  He truly practices what he preaches, and that dedication shows in his steadfast and purposeful approach to legislating.  

We also salute former State Senator Stacey Abrams for the role that she played in helping to deliver yet another statewide victory for working families in Georgia. While she has never boasted about the determinative role that she has played in recent elections, her work in bringing new voters to the polls serves as an example for pro-union, pro-worker candidates across the nation.  

Working families, unions and our allies in elective office have our work cut out for us.  However, we are lifted by the choice of Georgia voters to turn out in historic numbers, flouting recent attempts to suppress their franchise, and send our friend Raphael Warnock back to the Senate."

IFPTE is a labor union representing 90,000 professionals throughout North America working in federal government, state and local government, and the private sector. 


Download a PDF of this press release here.

Faraz KhanWarnock, Senate, Elections