IFPTE Council of Canadian Locals Holds Meeting

This week the Council of Canadian Locals met to discuss key issues impacting IFPTE members throughout Canada.

Chaired by Canadian Area Vice President/WAPSO-Local 162 President Richard Mahe, the meeting focused on Provincial policies in Ontario and Manitoba, including the ongoing attacks on public sector labor unions by the Pallister and Ford governments, as well as issues impacting SCMMA-Local 222 members in Saskatoon.  The Council meets regularly to promote greater communication between the Canadian Locals and to identify common issues to work on together.

IFPTE President Paul Shearon and Secretary Treasurer Matt Biggs attended the meeting. Also in attendance was Canadian Area Vice President Scott Travers; TEAM-Local 161 Executive Director Erin Spencer; SUP-Local 160 President Michelle Johnston; SUP-Local 160 outreach director Mike Belmore; WAPSO-Local 162 Executive Director Keith Bellamy; SCMMA-Local 222 President Jackie Morley; SCMMA-Local 222 Vice President Lana Dodds; TEAM-Local 161 President Mike Taylor, and IFPTE staffers Anna Liu and David Sauer.  

Topics of discussion included the upcoming IFPTE convention, including plans for the IFPTE Convention to honor the memories of children who suffered at the hands of Canadian and American Indian residential school programs. The Council meeting's agenda also included discussing Canadian Labour Congress committees, the federal election, and a tribute to Canadian Area Vice-President Scott Travers congratulating him on his retirement .