IFPTE Endorses Phil Murphy for New Jersey Governor - Union's Leaders Call Governor “A Champion for Working Families”


WASHINGTON, DC – The following officers of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) issued the following statements in support of New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy for reelection.

IFPTE President Paul Shearon:

“When IFPTE met with Governor Murphy four years ago while he was running for Governor, he made a promise to our union and our members in New Jersey that he would prioritize the issues of importance to the State’s workers and their unions. He has lived up to that promise.  Governor Murphy has proven himself to be a champion for working families and IFPTE is proud to support him for reelection.”


IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer/Legislative Director Matt Biggs:

“When it comes to working families in New Jersey, Governor Murphy’s record is impeccable, particularly with respect to the dedicated public service workers all throughout the State.  IFPTE certainly believes he will continue that approach in a second term and are proud to lend him our backing.”


IFPTE Executive Vice President (Atlantic Area) Gerald Newsome:

“When Governor Murphy took the helm here in New Jersey four years ago, he had to undo a lot of damage done in the previous eight years by the Chris Christie Administration, including reversing the union busting policies that we all had to live and work under.  Fortunately, and not surprisingly, he has done just that, which is why IFPTE in New Jersey and at the national level is here to support him.”


IFPTE Atlantic Area Vice President/Local 196 President, Sean McBride:

“IFPTE is proud to have been one of the first labor unions to back the Governor four years ago and we are proud to give him our support once again.  He has not only lived up to his promises of putting working people first, he has done so in unprecedented fashion.  One of many examples of the Governor following through is his pledge to fully fund the ailing public sector pension fund, which he’s done in his most recent budget.  IFPTE applauds him for a job well done in his first term, and we are here for him now as he seeks a second term.”


IFPTE Atlantic Council President/Local 195 President, Tim Rudolph:

“Governor Murphy doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk.  For example, he pledged to put in place a much-needed millionaires’ tax to help fund the public services New Jersey citizens require, instead of the same old approach taken by most politicians of putting the burden on the backs of working families.  We here at IFPTE are in his corner as he seeks another term as New Jersey governor.”


IFPTE is a labor union representing 90,000 public, federal and private sector workers in the United States and Canada.


Download IFPTE’s endorsement of Governor Murphy here.