IFPTE Hosts its Spring 2021 Executive Council Meeting

IFPTE held its semiannual Executive Council meeting last week.  The meeting, which was held virtually, addressed key union business related to convention planning, legislative advocacy, and budget projections for the federation over the next three fiscal years. 

President Shearon, who chaired the meeting, provided the following comments: 

“At our meeting this week, and in accordance with the IFPTE Constitution, we collectively addressed important Convention planning business, including approving a budget recommendation for Fiscal Years 2023, 2024, and 2025.  From here, that budget recommendation will now move to the Convention’s finance committee, chaired by Jimmie Mathis from SPEEA, for their careful consideration and edits before being submitted to delegates to consider at the Convention in August.  I thank the entire Council for their insights and contributions in tending to the important business of the Federation.”