IFPTE Joins AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler at the National Press Club Event

President Matt Biggs and Legislative Director Faraz Khan attended a discussion with AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler, at the National Press Club (NPC) this week.

The discussion, which is a part of the NPC’s weekly Newsmakers event, was led by NPC President Lisa Nicole Matthews and focused on the increasing popularity of unions among the American workers, the labor movement’s focus on growing union density, and passage of the PRO Act among several other topics. 

President Shuler, who was elected AFL-CIO President in August following the sudden passing of Richard Trumka, noted that, “workers feel a new sense of power and leverage and aren’t willing to settle anymore…the solution, once again, can be found in the labor movement.” 

Watch President Shuler’s full comments here.