IFPTE Joins Federal Workers Alliance Oppose Bill Forcing Federal Agencies to Arbitrarily Consolidate Office Space

This week, the Federal Workers Alliance (FWA) requested Members of the House of Representatives oppose the USE IT Act, H.R. 6276, which would force agencies to downsize physical office space if they fall below a 60 percent occupancy rate in any given year. The arbitrary metric would be applied to all agencies, regardless of the distinctions in mission and work such as office-based and field-based work, need for housing equipment and infrastructure, and telework arrangements.

The legislation overrides agency decision-making and utilization strategies, does not consider human occupancy as a criterion for physical footprint. Ultimately, the bill puts pressure on agencies to reduce telework or risk losing physical space, regardless of whether that space is used of human occupancy. 

The House passed the bill by a margin of 217 to 203.

See how your Representative voted here
Read the FWA letter here.