IFPTE Leaders Gather at Canadian Nuclear Workers' Council Annual Conference


IFPTE President Paul Shearon and IFPTE Eastern Federal Area Vice President Gay Henson were guests of SUP/IFPTE Local 160 President/IFPTE Canadian Area Vice President Scott Travers at the Canadian Nuclear Workers' Council Annual Conference. The Council was structured to update Unionized Nuclear Industry Workers on the current events in their industry and to provide input into the Council's activities.

Several speakers provided views on and answered questions on several aspects of Canada's and the world's nuclear industry. The conference also provided participants opportunities to meet and network with other unionized workers in the industry.

The four-day conference was held in Saint John New Brunswick and was hosted by IBEW Local 37 under the theme "Looking Ahead to the Future of Nuclear Power in Canada." Several topics were covered including:

-CNWC Business Session
-USA Nuclear Union Activities
-Union Reports
-Local Union Member Site Reports
-Local Labour Leaders
-Local Politicians
-SMR activities in NB
-Current Nuclear Issues in Canada

The conference culminated with a tour of the Point Lepreau Nuclear Power Generating Station, which is a single CANDU nuclear reactor with a capacity of 660 MV/.