IFPTE Shares Congressional Endorsements with Membership, Sends Fliers Supporting Rep. Luria in Va. and Rep. KIm in NJ, Urges Members to Vote in U.S. Midterm Elections

With election day just two weeks out and many states already holding early voting, IFPTE sent fliers for Rep. Elaine Luria, running for reelection in Virginia's 2nd District, and Rep. Andy Kim, running in New Jersey's 3rd District. Both candidates have a proven track record and have come through on issues important to IFPTE members.  

IFPTE has also released the union's 2022 Congressional endorsements for House and Senate candidates. The list recommends candidates from both political parties seeking who have that have stood with IFPTE members and working people on the issues. The list includes 45 House and 18 Senate candidates.  

Above all, IFPTE encourages you to vote. Find your voting location, check your registration, and learn how you can vote in person or if you can vote by mail in your state at https://www.vote.org/.

Candace RhettElections