IFPTE Unequivocally Endorses Senator Raphael Warnock in Georgia Runoff Election for U.S. Senate

 Senator Warnock has stood with working people and unions in Georgia and throughout the nation – IFPTE stands with him 

WASHINGTON, DC – The International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) reiterated its endorsement of Senator Raphael Warnock (D) as he seeks reelection to represent Georgia in the U.S. Senate.

IFPTE President Matt Biggs and Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson issued the following joint statement:

“Since being elected to the U.S. Senate in a special runoff election in early January 2021, Sen. Warnock has devoted his office to making sure working families in Georgia have resources and pathways to join the middle class and realize the American dream.

Before he was in Congress, Sen. Warnock was a Senior Pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta and mentored by the late Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights pioneer. He’s made protecting voting rights and strengthening election systems a core priority. He’s been a steadfast advocate for creating good paying jobs, investing in critical infrastructure and economic growth, eliminating child poverty and hunger, access to quality health care and education for all, and reforming our nation’s labor laws so that workers have a fair opportunity to exercise workplace democracy through unionization. He’s proven he can advance those priorities and work across the aisle to do so, all while maintaining a 100% AFL-CIO lifetime score.

As he seeks reelection to serve a full term in the U.S. Senate, IFPTE is proud to unequivocally endorse Sen. Raphael Warnock.”

IFPTE is a labor union representing 90,000 professionals throughout North America working in federal government, state and local government, and the private sector.  


Download a PDF of this statement here.