New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Re-Elected for a Second Term

The New Jersey Governor’s race was one that was being closely watched around the country. The contentious race against Republican challenger and former Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli was a close one, but the support of labor ultimately pushed Governor Murphy to the finish line. Governor Murphy was the first democratic Governor to be reelected in New Jersey for a second term in 44 years. November 8 was the final day for mail-in ballots to arrive and it is estimated that about 57,000 provisional ballots are left to be counted. Ciattarelli has yet to concede the race.

New Jersey’s second most powerful lawmaker, Steve Sweeney lost his State Senate seat to Republican candidate Edward Durr, a truck driver for the Raymour and Flanigan furniture chain. However, Democrats will keep their hold on the New Jersey Legislature after winning a majority of seats in both the Senate and Assembly elections.

The vote-by-mail and early voting initiative played an important role in this election. The NJ AFL-CIO’s GOTV program put thousands of canvassers on the ground between September and Election Day in an effort to reach union households. This year the Labor Walks were contactless due to COVID. Phone banks were held and rallies around the state took place in support of Governor Murphy.

IFPTE members participated in GOTV efforts held at Central Labor Councils around the state. The Mercer County CLC held it’s annual Knights of Labor Dinner on October 30, 2021. The proceeds from the dinner were used to put union members on the ground on Election Day in support of labor endorsed candidates.