President Biden to Overturn Draconian Workforce Executive Orders

IFPTE applauds the Biden Administration for wasting “no time in standing up for
our nation’s civil service”


WASHINGTON, DC – The executive officers of the International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers (IFPTE) responded to today’s actions by President Biden which overturn several Trump Executive Orders intended to end collective bargaining rights in the federal sector and render the federal government an at-will employer.

IFPTE President, Paul Shearon:

“IFPTE applauds and thanks President Biden for acting so quickly to overturn these destructive and draconian Trump executive orders. President Biden has made it clear throughout his entire career in public office that our federal workers are to be applauded and appreciated for the services they provide to American taxpayers. As President, he has wasted no time in standing up for our nation’s civil service in reversing the unprecedented attacks promulgated against them by the Trump Administration. There remains a lot of work to undo the great damage done to our federal workforce and our federal institutions by the Trump Administration, and today’s actions by President Biden is a great start toward achieving that goal.”

IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer, Matt Biggs:

“IFPTE represented federal workers across the nation are applauding President Biden and his administration for moving so quickly in rejecting the Trump Administration’s attempts to not only end collective bargaining in the federal government, but to also usher in a modern-day spoils system where nepotism and political favoritism would dominate the hiring and firing practices in the federal government. IFPTE applauds President Biden for understanding how very valuable our federal workers are.”

President Biden’s actions today overturn Trump Executive Orders 13838, which encouraged management to engage in bad faith bargaining; 13837, which all but eliminates the ability of federal unions to represent their members; 13839, which drastically erodes federal employee worker due process rights, and; 13843, which would end the merit system by allowing federal workers to be hired and fired based on their political views and family connections.

See the White House announcement here.
