SCMMA Elects New Executive Board Members at AGM

This week, SCMMA/IFPTE Local 222 held their annual general meeting. Almost 200 members and guests attended the meeting in person and virtually. Several Executive Board positions were up for election, which included President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Director of Pensions and Benefits. Congratulations to the slate of leaders who will be joining the SCMMA Board: Greg Hippe, President; Jazmin Evers, Vice-President; Anna Cole, Secretary; and Sarah Mantyka, Director of Pensions and Benefits. 

Richard Mahe, IFPTE Canadian Area Vice President and WAPSO/IFPTE Local 162 President, was in attendance along with IFPTE staffers Bill Fitzpatrick and Anna Liu. Vice President Mahe brought greetings on behalf of IFPTE and WAPSO. He took the opportunity to talk about the similar challenges that both Locals faced as unionized employees working for a city. SCMMA and WAPSO’s collective agreements expire at the end of 2023 and both Locals are turning their minds to preparing for a tough round of negotiations due to the difficult economic climate that all workers across Canada and around the world are facing. In closing, Mahe emphasized “the need for strength and unity within our ranks… [W]e can face the challenges ahead and work to create a better future for all our members.”