SOLIDARITY ALERT: IFPTE Army Corps Council Needs Your Help - Sign Their Letter Urging Action on the FLRA Nominees

IFPTE’s Army Corps Council is sponsoring a sign-on letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer urging swift action on President Biden’s nominees for the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA), which continues to maintain an anti-union majority.

The Army Corps Council is asking Local unions across the labor movement, particularly IFPTE to sign the letter alerting Leader Schumer that, “Federal workers continue to live up to their end of the bargain. And yet the deal has been broken.” The Army Corps Council also has compiled a list of the “10 Worst-Reasoned FLRA Decisions under the anti-union Kiko and Abbott majority.

To see full text and sign the letter, and the list of terrible FLRA decisions, click here.