Solidarity Alert: SCMMA Participates In Saskatoon Pandemic Committee Enhancements

After the initial State of Emergency declaration by the Province of Saskatchewan two weeks ago, the Saskatoon Civic Middle Management Association (SCMMA/IFPTE Local 222), other civic unions, and civic administration have sprung into action by forming a Pandemic Committee that includes political, administrative, and labour leadership. 

The committee, whose mission is to ensure that public and city employees remain safe, communication lines remain open and fluid, and job losses at the city stay minimal, has worked diligently across collective agreements to ensure as many City of Saskatoon employees stay healthy and employed. Local 222 SCMMA President Jackie Morley, representing over 300 professionals at the City of Saskatoon commented, saying “I think that working together is important to show. All the civic unions are working together to avoid substantial layoffs and doing everything possible to keep staff healthy.” 

The committee will continue to meet every Thursday to discuss the current state of affairs and seek input from all involved.