SOLIDARITY ALERT: The Ford Government Takes Aim at Public Sector Unions - LABOUR Fights Back

Doug Ford’s government is launching a full-frontal attack on basic labour freedoms in Ontario, specifically Education Minister Stephen Lecce’s efforts to pull the plug on bargaining with CUPE while it’s still underway, and use legislation to forcibly impose a contract on education workers. The Society of United Professionals (SUP/IFPTE Local 160), and the IFPTE family across North America are calling these draconian tactics by the Ford Government what they are: Union Busting.

SUP President Michelle Johnston, who participated in protests in Toronto this week against the Ford Government commented: “This is the latest, and most egregious, of the long list of actions taken by the Ford Government to weaken the collective bargaining rights of Ontario’s public sector workers, and the Society, along with the larger IFPTE family will join the labour movement in vigorously fighting against it.”

Learn more and join the Ontario Federation of Labour’s (OFL) campaign here.