Trump Administration Orders Halt to Some Diversity and Inclusion Training - IFPTE Responds

IFPTE responded this week to a September 4th OMB memorandum to federal government agencies calling diversity and inclusion training “divisive, un-American propaganda training sessions,” along with a directive that agencies “cease and desist,” from funding the training. IFPTE President Paul Shearon responded, saying that “IFPTE is a strong proponent of investing in diversity and inclusion training for workers, and the Trump Administration’s decision to defund some of these trainings based on so-called ‘press reports’ about them being un-American is outrageous. IFPTE condemns the administration’s actions and reminds our members that despite the OMB directive to agencies, that the workers can indeed continue to participate in like training sessions and events either at work or through their union.”

Read the full OMB memo.