WSN Speaker Series Celebrates Pride Month

Earlier this week, the IFPTE Women’s Solidarity Network (WSN) held their 8th Women & Unions International Speaker Series. In recognition of Pride Month, which is celebrated during the month of June each year, the event focused on understanding 2SLGBTQI+ rights and allyship.  

Renowned human rights and labour lawyer Susan Ursel spoke to participants about the struggles experienced by 2SLGBTQI+ persons, the advances made over the years, and the opportunities that lie ahead, particularly in workplaces where unions are present. Time was also spent understanding key concepts and terms such as gender expression and cisgender that are more commonly used now. A special thank you to Morgan Koch, Chair of Local 160’s Pride and Solidarity Committee, who moderated the session and facilitated an informative conversation. 

If you missed this fantastic event, you can watch the recording here. 

The next Women & Unions International Speaker Series will take place fall 2022. Stay connected to the WSN by joining the network! If you are interested in getting involved with the WSN Planning Committee, please email us at