EA/IFPTE Local 1937 Visit Capitol Hill to Protect TVA IT Jobs

EA/IFPTE Local 1937 President/Eastern Federal Area Vice President Gay Henson was joined by EA staff Renae McKenzie and EA member David Littlejohn in Washington, DC this week to visit with lawmakers from the Tennessee Valley regarding the union’s ongoing concerns with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) plan to outsource hundreds of IT jobs. 

The group, which was accompanied on Capitol Hill by IFPTE legislative staff, informed lawmakers that the TVA decided to outsource these jobs without properly completing their own internal contracting determination process, and despite the fact that the outsourcing would cost more than leaving the work in-house and that the current workers have either met or exceeded IT performance metrics. 

Among the offices met with were Senators Wicker, Alexander, Blackburn, and Brown, and Representatives Aderholt, Fleischmann, Burchett, Cooper and Brooks. The group also met with staff at the Office and Management and Budget (OMB).

Representative Mo Brooks Letter to TVA

3/2/2020 – Rep. Mo Brooks letter to TVA, “Ultimately, a decision to outsource IT leaves me concerned for the future of my constituents and the future of TVA operations.” Read the full letter below.