IFPTE Applauds Nomination of Marty Walsh for Labor Secretary


Boston Mayor comes directly from the labor movement

WASHINGTON, DC – The executive officers of the International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers (IFPTE) issued the following statements in response to President Elect Biden’s nomination of Boston Mayor Marty Walsh for United States Secretary of Labor. 

IFPTE President Paul Shearon:

“IFPTE fully embraces President Elect Biden’s pick of Mayor Walsh for Secretary of Labor.  Mayor Walsh not only comes directly from the labor movement, he has also put workers and collective bargaining first as Mayor of Boston.  He will move quickly to reverse the damage done to workers by the Trump Administration, be a vocal champion for passage of concrete labor law reform that levels the playing field for private sector workers involved in organizing campaigns, and stand up to corporations who put the interests of shareholders and excessive profits well above their own workers.   IFPTE looks forward to working with Mayor Walsh and his team at the Department of Labor over the next four years.”


IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer/Legislative Director Matt Biggs:

Today’s choice of Mayor Walsh to lead the Department of Labor is just the latest example of President Elect Biden’s long-standing commitment to building the middle class through expanding collective bargaining rights for American workers.  The President Elect understands unionization has been under attack for decades, and has made it quite clear that allowing workers greater opportunities to organize unions is a top priority.  In Mayor Walsh the Biden Administration will have a labor secretary that wakes up each day putting workers first.  IFPTE applauds this nomination.”  

IFPTE is a labor union representing upwards of 90,000 federal, public, and private sector workers in the United States and Canada.


Download a PDF of this press release here.

Faraz Khan