IFPTE Applauds President Biden’s Build Back Better Framework


WASHINGTON, DC – The executive officers of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) responded to President Biden's announcement of the "Build Back Better Framework" with statements in support of the legislative proposal and a call for Congress to urgently pass the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Build Back Better Act.

IFPTE President, Matt Biggs: 

“President Biden, House Speaker Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Schumer have put forward a budget reconciliation proposal that preserves important parts of the American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan and will make a meaningful difference in the lives of working Americans and create and support millions of good-paying union-represented jobs. IFPTE strongly supports the framework's focus on taking federal action on climate change and domestic supply chains, investing significantly in childcare and early education, expanding affordable housing and health insurance coverage, and ensuring year-round nutrition security for children, all while paying for these programs though fair taxation that require corporations and the very wealthiest to pay their fair share of taxes. While the framework is missing key elements of President Biden's Build Back Better agenda that IFPTE advocates for, we understand the need for compromises so that Congress can urgently pass the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act as work continues on the Build Back Better Act.”


IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson:

“The Build Back Better framework that President Biden has announced today will have a positive impact on working people, including IFPTE members, throughout the country. As a union representing energy professionals, scientists, engineers, and infrastructure workers in the federal, public and private sectors, we applaud the framework's attention to modernizing and supporting American-made energy infrastructure and taking real action on climate change. IFPTE now asks Congress to pass both the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and a Build Back Better budget reconciliation bill with the provisions that support our union's priorities."


IFPTE has consistently advocated for the passage of both the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Build Back Better Act. The two complementary bills make overdue investments in transit and transportation, energy, education, and create high-quality jobs across all parts of the U.S. economy. The Build Back Better Act also includes a robust set of tax reforms to make our tax system fairer for working people and to end incentives that encourage corporations to offshore jobs and dodge taxes. Read IFPTE's support for infrastructure legislation here.


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