IFPTE at Labor Notes

IFPTE at Labor Notes

Last weekend, representatives from IFPTE Locals attended the Labor Notes conference in Chicago. The Labor Notes Conference is one of the biggest annual gatherings of grassroots labor activists from across the country, and it has many international attendees as well. Thousands of union members, officers, and labor activists who are on the front lines in the workplace and across communities participate in the conference, sharing stories and methods of organizing and agitation.  

With over 300 workshops and meetings offered, the IFPTE delegation was able to partake in numerous conversations, including creative organizing tactics, beating apathy, running for local union office, winning contract campaigns, bargaining over technology, understanding the economy, and reviving the strike. Most workshops were packed, offering standing rooms only. Highlights of the conference included the United Auto Workers’ Volkswagen win in Chattanooga, UPS Teamsters’ successful contract campaign, Educators strike action in Massachusetts, Association of Professional Flight Attendants strike preparation, and Starbucks workers forcing the company to finally come to the bargaining table.    

While attending the conference, a few IFPTE delegates even joined the Association of Professional Flight Attendants practice picket at the Chicago airport! The demonstrations are occurring as a result of approximately 100,000 flight attendants in the US are in collective agreement renewal contract negotiations. 

Labor RightsIFPTE