IFPTE Hosts Its Spring Executive Council Meeting

The IFPTE Executive Council came together this week in Las Vegas as a part of its bi-annual meeting. The meeting, which occurs twice a year, is an opportunity for the Vice Presidents representing IFPTE members throughout North America to review the major work being done by the International, and among the IFPTE Locals.  

Among the major items addressed was approval of IFPTE’s Fiscal Year 2024 operating budget, a review of the membership numbers and ongoing organizing campaigns and goals; the major legislative items being worked by the International and Locals, and providing authority to the Executive Officers to issue a 2024 presidential endorsement.  

Among the major highlights of the meeting was an accolade of appreciation for recently retired Executive Vice President, Gerry Newsome, and the election and swearing-in of two new Executive Council members, Sister Joan Mah (ESC/IFPTE Local 20) for the Western Area and Brother Steve Pinto (IFPTE Local 195) for the Atlantic Area. Brother John Mader (Western Area & ESC/IFPTE Local 20) was also sworn in as Executive Vice President replacing Brother Newsome.