IFPTE Joins Letter Signed by 60 Unions to Senators Sinema, Kelly, and Warner Urging their Support for the PRO Act

IFPTE was one of sixty unions signing onto a letter this week to the three Democratic Senators who have yet to cosponsor labor’s number one legislative priority, the PRO Act. 

The letter, which was sent to Arizona Senatosr Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly and Virginia Senator Mark Warner, informed the lawmakers that, “Strengthening outdated labor law is key to rebuilding the economy and restoring fairness to the workplace.” 

Read the full letter to Senator Warner, Senator Sinema, and Senator Kelly.

CALL YOUR SENATORS - 866-832-1560

Tell your Senators to PASS THE PRO ACT! Whether your Senators are already cosponsors or have yet to signal support for comprehensive and long-overdue labor law reform, let them know that their constituents are counting on them to make sure working people have a fair opportunity to form and join unions and engage in collective bargaining.

Read more about the PRO Act here.

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