California Recall Election is Tuesday Sept 14!-- Say NO to the Anti-Union Gubernatorial Recall 

From Art Pulaski, Cal Labor Fed Sec.-Treasurer: “Leading Republican candidate in the recall election, Larry Elder promises to bring Trumpism to California. What does that mean for workers? For starters, Elder says the minimum wage should be ZERO. He wants to dismantle California’s paid family leave and sick leave policy. He said he will bring Prop 187 back, barring immigrants from emergency health care and public education. He’ll defund public schools to push private charters. On Day One, he’ll attack the right to join a union.” Read more on the California Labor Federation website, find more information at No on the Anti-Union Recall and Volunteer to Stop the Recall!

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Candace RhettElections, CA Recall
OFL Young Workers' Assembly: Organizing For Our Future

Young workers can lead the labour movement in fighting for a more fair and just future. Join the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) on Friday, October 1, and Saturday, October 2 for their virtual Young Workers’ Assembly. Meet and greet with other young workers and learn about issues from organizing to pensions.

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Candace RhettOFL
SOLIDARITY ALERT: IFPTE Stands with Striking Nabisco Workers, Urges Locals and Members to Join the Fight

IFPTE applauds the more than 1000 striking Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco and Grain Millers’ International Union (BCTGM) union members for, “taking a stand to protect good-paying union jobs from being sent to countries with lower wages and fewer worker protections,” while calling out their employer, Nabisco/Mondelēz, saying that the company should be, “particularly ashamed to attempt this move after your members have done so much to keep the company operating and its products flowing during an exceptionally difficult time, and at no small risk to them and their families.” Read the full IFPTE letter, and join the campaign to support the striking workers here.

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Congress Begins Consideration of 2022 Budget Reconciliation Bill – IFPTE Weighs In with Ways and Means Committee Letter

This week, the committees in the House of Representatives began debating legislative proposals for the 2022 Budget Reconciliation package. In a letter to the Ways and Means Committee, IFPTE advocated in favor of provisions to expand Trade Adjustment Assistance, strengthening the proposed paid family and medical leave benefit, expanding Medicare benefits, and for “progressive pay-fors to offset the cost of the bill’s investments in innovation infrastructure, resilient supply chains, housing, clean energy, education, healthcare, childcare, paid leave, labor law enforcement, and more.”

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GovernmentCandace Rhett
Convention Recap - IFPTE Honors Retiring President Paul Shearon, Delegates Elect New Leadership, Set Policy, and Commit Resources to Building Union Power

IFPTE's 60th Convention, held on August 9th and 10th, marks a pivotal moment as a new generation of leaders step up and join the current IFPTE leaders in recommitting to building union power through organizing, representing IFPTE members through member engagement, and improving the labor, economic, and social conditions of working people.

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Here’s a First: First Time in History Women Hold Two Top Positions in the North American Labor Movement

Liz Shuler, the Acting President of the 11 million-member AFL-CIO, and Bea Bruske, the President of the 3.3 million-member Canadian Labour Congress, addressed the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) convention Tuesday afternoon. Shuler, who had previously served as the AFL-CIO’s secretary-treasurer, became the leader of the U.S. labor federation after the loss of Richard Trumka to a fatal heart attack last week. Bruske was elected president of Canada’s labor federation in June. This is the first time the two top leaders of the North American labor movement are both women.

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