Canadian Council of IFPTE Locals Meets in Winnipeg

The Canadian Council of IFPTE Locals (CCL) held its biannual meeting in late August in Winnipeg, Canada.  The meeting was hosted by WAPSO/IFPTE Local 161 and was attended by SUP/IFPTE Local 161 President/Canadian Area Vice President, Michelle Johnston; IFPTE Local 222 President, Jackie Morley; TEAM/IFPTE Local 161 President, David Eyjolfson; IFPTE Local 161 President/Canadian Area Vice President, Richard Mahe and Executive Director, Keith Bellamy, and; IFPTE President, Matt Biggs, and International Staff Representatives Anna Liu and Bill Fitzpatrick.  The meeting featured reports from all IFPTE Canadian Locals and a planning discussion around the scheduling and focus of the annual IFPTE legislative conference in Manitoba next year.   


The day prior President Biggs attended WAPSO’s Board meeting to provide an update on the federation’s activities. Later that afternoon, the Local held its 3rd annual BBQ with many distinguished guests including Kevin Rebeck, President of the Manitoba Federation of Labour; Melissa Dvorak, President of the Winnipeg Labour Council, Matt Allard, City Councillor - St. Boniface; Adrien Sala, MLA - St. James as well the leaders of our IFPTE Canadian Locals. 

(L-R) Jackie Morley, Kevin Rebeck, Melissa Dvorak, Dave Eyjolfson, Matt Allard, Richard Mahe, Adrien Sala, Matt Biggs and Michelle Johnston